Sunday, June 03, 2007

Baby Talk

If you were to list the things guys most hate to do, near the top of that roster would be being dragged to a hospital to look at newborn babies. I don’t care who the little tyke belongs to, a brother, sister, best friend; guys would rather give up possession of the T.V. remote than be dragged to the infant-care unit of a hospital to gaze at a baby.

We men have good reasons for our reluctance to visit hospital nurseries. You see, while there we’re always put in a tight spot because inevitably, and always in the presence of the baby’s loved ones, we’ll be asked the question, the one question that will make a guy’s knees quiver and a chill go up and down his spine, “Isn’t he just the cutest little thing you ever did see?”

Now, to guys all newborn infants look alike—a shriveled up, wrinkled, old caveman that has just been regurgitated by a large carnivorous dinosaur. But we don’t want to hurt the feelings of the relatives of the little tyke, so we have two choices, we can lie and agree the creature is cute, or we can turn to the baby’s family and say what we really think, “Here’s a banana for your monkey.”

And usually after the how-cute-the-baby-is comments comes the he-looks-just-like (insert either of the baby’s parent’s name) comments. A case in point happened a few years back when a niece of mine was born. With me kicking and screaming the whole way, former Mrs. Bagley dragged me to the hospital to take a peek at our new niece. As we approached the viewing window of the nursery, we saw a couple of men goo-gooing over a baby.

“She looks just like ‘er momma, doesn’t she?” One of them said.

“Nah,” exclaimed the other.

“Well, she’s definitely got Bumgrumble genes in her,” the other one said as they both walked away.

After the two gawking guys left, ex-wife and I sauntered over to the window to view our new niece, and wouldn’t you know it, those guys were gawking over the wrong baby. They were gaping over my niece!

Speaking of people always trying to figure who the baby looks like I remember when youngest son was little. A member of my family continually remarked how she just couldn’t figure out who in the family he looked like.

“He doesn’t look like a Bagley,” this person would continually say, never considering that just maybe youngest son favored his momma’s side of the family. Finally, ex-wife said, “He looks like the milkman.” That pretty much put an end to the I-can’t-figure-out-who-he-looks-like comments.

And don’t you just love it when people in the family pick out certain features of a little one and say things like, “She sure got her daddy’s ears, “ or “She has Aunt Harriet’s eyes.” When this happens, I have to fight the temptation to say, “So how’s his father getting along without those ears?” Come on for crying out loud, the kid has her own features. Why does she have to look exactly like somebody else? Can't she just look like herself?

Chalk it up to human nature or what ever you'd like, but it's amazing to me how a little baby can grown people to act so silly.

Of course, come December, when my first grandbaby is born, you won’t see me acting silly, gooing, gawking, and talking silly to my grandchild. If you do, I’ll never admit it. I’ll just swear it’s my long lost twin you saw acting that way.


Valerie said...

i'm with you...haven't seen a newborn yet that didn't take at least a month to look cute...not very maternial, is it?

Peter said...

Looks just like the milkman.... sure would put a stop to the who's he look like game Doug.

Anonymous said...

Very few newborns are cute, I must agree, but, I've seen a few that are as close to cute as a newborn will ever get.

Mike & Sarahlyn said...

Ha ha, just for that I'm dragging you to the hospital in December when your grandbaby is born!!
Oh, by the way, how do I upload a pic into my profile so from now on when I make my smart *** comments, everyone can see my incredible smile? I tried the whole "copy the url from a pic in a post from you own page" thing, but it doesn't work.
Chloe says hi

L said...

I have an uncle who claims to think that all newborns look like they are related because they all look like lizards. LOL. I suspect that might be his silly way of saying "Yep, your baby is not a looker so things can only improve from here"

PinkCat said...

Yeah yeah yeah yeah I can just see you now Doug. You can't fool us.

Take care xx

cmk said...

I guess I just channel my masculine side: I looked at our first-born just seconds after she was pushed out and said to hubby, 'She's not very pretty, is she?' I really haven't seen too many--if any--newborns that I would consider cute. (Hubby says ALL newborns are cute.)

I also am one who can not connect with the 'who does s/he look like?' comments. I very rarely see the look-alike factor in people. Hmmm... :)

doodlebugmom said...

“Here’s a banana for your monkey.” that!

Kate said...

Congrats on being a "soon to be grandparent". It will be interesting to see what thee little tyke will call you. When we're grandparents we tend to answer to the weirdest names! Are you going to be a "Papa. or a Opa! or Papere"? LOL

what part of Canada are you giving consideration too?

Kate said...

So sorry Doug, I got you mixed up with someone else, your NOT moving!!! so sorry !

JulesinParadise said...

Have missed your writing. Thanks for coming by my blog...going to link you so I don't lose you again!

Penny said...

Yep, gotta agree with you about newborns. Never saw a cute one - 'cept for my three. They were the cutest ever. I'm sure everyone I asked, agreed with me. Course, there was my brother, who offered me a banana. Hmm, I wonder what he meant by that?

Zanna said...

Thanks for dropping by - gotta say I do like a guy with a sense of humour!!!! (even if it's a tad warped!)
Just you wait till you join the ranks of us grandparents - bet you'll be just as besotted as the rest of us!

Suzy said...

Oh Doug! Congratulations. You will just LOVE your little grandchild and you will on "cloud nine". Grandchildren are so special.
Great to hear from you.

Jamie Dawn said...

How exciting to be expecting your first grandbaby!!
I'm sure he/she will look like a Bagley, AND he/she will be the cutest thing you EVER laid eyes on.

I just love babies. I only had two of my own, but it would have been easy for me to have had six or so.
I always think babies are cute. AND the fatter, the better. I like babies to have so many rolls they look like they're wearing bracelets.

BTW, neither of my kids looks like the milkman. My hubby is quite happy about that. :-)

JunieRose2005 said...

Hi Doug,

You'll soon find out being a grandparent is the BEST thing of all!!

And I just know you'll realize that you (like most of us grandparents) will have the cutest kid -and the smartest- in the whole world!


Sharon said...

You will be all over that new baby when it arrives! And I'm sure it will look just like you!!!
Congratulations on the impending arrival!

Mike & Sarahlyn said...

A man, Sharon, I hope it doesn't look like my pops. You probably will see us on Jerry Springer if it does!! J/K.

Doug Bagley said...

We can only hope the little "mini-me" looks as cute as its grandpa--minus the beard if it's a girl. Of course, bearded ladies make good money in the carnival.