Sunday, May 07, 2006

Skunky, Me, and BB Guns, Not a Good Combination

When middle and youngest sons were teenagers, they asked their momma and me if they could each have a BB gun. Their momma had no qualms about the idea and at first I didn’t either. Then I remembered an experience I had with my childhood friend, a great American if there ever was one, Skunky Wilson. That memory cast grave doubts in my mind concerning the sanity of putting a gun into the hand of any child sporting my DNA.

It was a late fall afternoon of my thirteenth year. Skunky and I grabbed our BB guns and headed for the woods surrounding the Wilson’s small farm. Now, we weren’t going to the woods for target practice, and we weren’t going to the woods to hunt squirrels, rabbits or snakes. No, we decided on something much more fun and entertaining, something that would truly test our hunting skills. We were going to play army…with loaded BB guns.

When we arrived at the forest’s edge, Skunky and I split up in opposite directions, Skunky heading west, me going east. We agreed that we would walk about a quarter of a mile in our respective directions before turning around to start hunting each other.

It’s interesting how one’s senses become more alert when one is being stalked. To say the least, I was a little jumpy, and the farther I moved in the direction where I had last seen my friend, my nerves became even jitterier.

We were well into the hunt when I heard a rustling in the bushes. Now, I knew better than to shoot at something before knowing for sure what it is. It can buy you a whole lot of trouble.
Immediately, I knew it wasn’t Skunky I winged with a BB. Instead, what I shot was the lone member of the animal kingdom from which Skunky’s nickname was derived. And ooooh it was mad! At least, that’s what I gathered from repugnant order it showered on me.

This was not good. Not only could I hardly stand to smell myself, but the wretched scent would give Skunky a huge edge in the war game we were playing. He’d smell me coming long before he’d see me. The only thing to do was to get down wind of him and attack from there. That’s just what I did.

Twenty minutes later, and maybe thirty feet ahead of me, I heard the crackling of a twig under someone’s foot. It had to be Skunky!

With my heart pounding so hard I thought it might break a rib, I quietly made my way toward the sound of the snapping twig. Shortly, I caught sight of my friend, standing, his left side to the front of me, listening intently for any indication of my presence.

All of a sudden he caught a glimpse of me. In what seemed like a fraction of a second he raised his gun and fired.

“Owe!” I yelled as a BB stung my left hand and I dived behind a tree for cover.

Skunky cautiously started in the direction where he saw me disappear. All the while, I crouched low behind the tree, constantly moving around it, keeping it between me and Skunky.

My friend continued searching the area where he thought I might have gone, and he wasn’t far off. As his shadowy figure moved closer in my direction I eased off a shot. It was a narrow miss, but it caught Skunky’s attention, and he dived behind some bushes. I aimed my rifle where Skunky’s vague form had disappeared, then pulled the trigger.

“Aye!” he yelled, confirming I’d scored a hit. Me, I chuckled out loud. “You dadburn--” his voice trailed off as he fired his gun in the direction of my laughter.

Now, you talk about luck. If I had Skunky’s kind of luck I’d for sure play the state lottery and I’d win! With the shadows in the forrest growing ever deeper, there’s no way he could have seen my face peering from around that tree. But within an instant of him firing his gun I felt a thump and a severe stinging sensation on my forehead, right between my eyes.
“Ooooouuuuuch! OK, that’s it. You win.” I hollered.

“Naw, I’d call it a draw,” Skunky answered back. “I just noticed I’m lying in a patch poison ivy.”
Well, eventually, we both healed from our wounds and managed to find more mischief to get into.

But do you honestly think, after thinking back on that experience, I was going to let my boys have BB guns? I don’t think so…unless, of course, they invited me to play army with them.


T - Another Geek Girl said...

This was so cute.

I want to hear more tales of your adventures with Skunky. This kind of reminded me of a sitcom episode.

You should write more.

JunieRose2005 said...

Oh, my goodness, Doug!!

You sound like some kinda tough kid , in your day! :)

I'm glad both you and your friend came through ok!


JunieRose2005 said...

OH, Doug,

I'm doing some stories from my husband's growing up years in Alabama on my blog!
You might find them fun reading! :)


cmk said...

And this story is just one reason I am so happy I never had to raise boys! Sounds like something my hubby and his identical twin would have done--then again, maybe they did! Great story.

Kelly said...

God Bless your Mama, Doug!! Didn't you say she had four of you boys??? I can't imagine!! LOL
Loved the story and I second what Tricia says~~ WRITE WRITE WRITE.
You're good!!

JulesinParadise said...

Another rousing belly laugh! Thanks...did you see where I tagged you? Hmmmmmmmm?

madameplushbottom said...

Oh Doug - might I recommend a round of paint ball for you and the boys? You can dress up in army greens and splat each other with bursts of colorful paint.

I love the skunky stories. enjoy your week!

Melanie J Watts said...

skulking around in the bush playing war sounds like too much fun, although I don't think I would like being hit. As for the skunk, that's the risk you take:)

me said...

Maybe it was visions of Skunky-like mischief that prompted me to say "No way!" when Buddy first asked for a BB gun. I caved when it came to the request for a paintball gun, only to discover a few weeks later the back of the barn was peppered with florescent orange, pink and blue paint!

Great story Doug!!!

Rachel said...

Well, you are lucky they don't call you one eyed Doug. That was very dangerous. Did your parents find out??

Kids!! I think I would hesitate too before buying them BB guns.

4evergapeach said...

Doug, you crack me up!! Playing army with BB guns?!?! Who in their right mind?....oh yea, it was you and skunky. I'm surprised you made it to adulthood. Your post's always make my day. Can't help but laugh out loud. Don't mean to put any pressure on you but....keep them coming!

Doug Bagley said...

Thank y'all for your comments. There will be more Skunky stories coming up.
Rachel: my parents found out after the fact, way after, lol. Though I am not called one-eye'd Doug or "Patch," I did earn the name "crash" from the bicycle accidents I've had, darn motorists, always getting in my way :)
Junie: I'll have to check out those stories. I'll probably enjoy them.
CMK: God bless my mother (it's her b-day today too, 71 years young), she raised 4 boys--and I was the most tame out of the four.
gal: No paintballing for me, too painful. I've seen the welts on sons would come home with after a round of paintball.
Kelly: I will write and write and write. I appreciate your comments ;)
Jules: If I get the time I might just answer some of those tag question. Right now I'm up to my neck in aligators.
Lis:You mean you'd deny your son the pleasure of almost putting someone's eye out, lol--remember Ralphy in Christmas Story?
Peach: I believe you hit the nail on the head when you asked "who in the right mind...? "Right mind" is the operative word here, lol.
And y'all, if you liked this story about Skunky and me,then don't miss my Father's Day story.

fraidy said...

Funny story Doug-Dave Barry has nothing on you. I agree, how are the boys to learn, if they don't have a bb gun? They've got to be a heck of a lot safer than the crossbow my dad got for me when I was a teen. (but then again I have no "why" chromosones,so I only used it to hunt varmints.)

Just Jan said...

Oh Holy Heaven's...I can only imagine what your Mother went through in getting you raised to an adult!!!

Loved the story. Found you through Kelly's blog. I've bookmarked you so I can return for more good stories.

Hale McKay said...

Very good story. We had BB guns, but we never shot at other people. A neighbors dog or goat and birds. Mostly we shot at cans and bottles.
...Sinking a glass bottle in a pond or river was a favorite pass time.