Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Gods of Oral Hygiene Must Be Crazy

I don’t know what my family did in a previous life to tick off the gods of oral hygiene, but it must have been something appalling, for we’ve been plagued with a curse ever since. What’s the curse? I’m glad you asked.

The best way to explain the curse is by sharing examples of it with you. One of the most recent incidents happened to me while at work.

You see, because I don’t want my toothbrush to literally become a tooth brush I bring one to work, along with toothpaste and dental floss, for use at the end of my lunch break.

Recently, while chatting on my cell phone with a friend during lunch, I realized time was fleeting and I’d better take care of my teeth before my break was over. Accordingly, I blindly reached into my lunch bag and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Paying more attention to the conversation with my friend than to what I was doing (which is one of the ways the curse works; it strikes when you’re not paying close attention to the brushing of your teeth), I absentmindedly squeezed toothpaste onto the bristles of my brush. I then moistened both brush and paste with tap water and began brushing my teeth . . . but not for very long.

As soon as that repugnant, most gosh awful taste entered my mouth I began profusely and loudly gagging, coughing, spitting, and sputtering, while performing what looked like some kind of ancient war dance.

Laughing, my friend kept asking me what the heck was happening. All I could blurt out was that I couldn’t believe what I’d just done.

You see, among the sundry items I carry in my lunch bag are two tubes, one being toothpaste the other, um, Preparation H. Since what hit my taste buds obviously was not toothpaste, well, I think you get the idea.

Now, it was bad enough that the tube of Preparation H was fairly used, if you get my drift. But as I felt a numbing sensation spread around my mouth a scary thought came to mind. What if the hemorrhoid cream did its job and my gums, lips, cheeks, and tongue all began to shrink? Gees, I could end up with a perpetual smile, like those women who’ve had a few too many face lifts. Luckily, the effects of the cream weren't perminant.

I’m also reminded of the time the curse struck my younger brother. Younger brother and his wife were living in Daytona Beach, Florida, with their two dogs, a Rottweiler and a small mutt. The mutt was an indoor dog, the Rottie outdoor--except during rainstorms, which during the rainy season in Florida is nearly every day.

I know you’re thinking, “So what do his brother’s dogs have to do with the toothbrush curse?” I’m glad you asked.

Sometimes when the dogs were indoors they’d have to do their business but wouldn’t go out into the rainstorm. Consequently, if the rainstorm lasted very long they’d dodo on the vinyl floor of the TV room. Naturally, my brother or his wife would clean the mess with the proper utensils. But just to be sure the entire residue of poo was cleaned up they’d scrub the area with a soap and a toothbrush, a toothbrush identical to younger brother’s, a poo-scrubbing toothbrush kept on the same toothbrush holder as younger brother’s toothbrush.

One morning younger brother went into the bathroom to brush breakfast out of his teeth. Standing over the bathroom sink, he turned the faucet on with his left hand and with his right hand blindly reached down and opened the cabinet door under the sink. He then grabbed his toothbrush from the multi toothbrush holder attached to the inside of the door.

It was only after he began brushing his teeth that he realized something wasn’t right. The brush didn’t quite feel the same against his gums and the toothpaste had an odd taste to it.

In a panic, younger brother re-opened the cabinet and there, hanging in the toothbrush holder, was his toothbrush. He spit, sputtered, gagged, screamed, and bounced around that tiny bathroom like a man…well, like a man who’d just brushed his teeth with dog feces.

He finally grabbed a bottle of mouthwash that proclaimed to kill 99.9% of all germs and gargled with it, hoping that whatever microbes he’d just inflicted into his mouth weren’t among that 10th of a percent the mouthwash didn’t kill.

And so goes the curse of the gods of oral hygiene upon my family. Luckily, it doesn’t appear the curse is passed down from generation to generation--though the other day youngest son did clean his teeth with the grout cleaning toothbrush. But that’s a whole other story.


Peter said...

Hi Doug, it would appear to be a well laid trap to get your younger brother to have a tooth brush of the same color as his for cleaning up the doggy doo and then storing them together?????

doodlebugmom said...

Just think,if you had used the toothpste in place of the preparation H, it would have given a whole new menaing to the term "minty fresh!"


Doug Bagley said...

yeah, doodlebug, and it would have eliminated the need for air freshener in the bathroom or to cover up an anal backfire.

Peter, I guess it's no wonder that my brother and his EX-wife are no longer married, LOL. It's pretty hard a guy to be called "Poo Breath."

Anonymous said...

OMG, you had me rolling! I know it may not seem funny to you, but your telling of it was downright hilarious!

Trudging said...

Oh man, I think that my family has the same curse.

JunieRose2005 said...

well-I once reached for my bottle of scope mouthwash and took a big mouthful of.....Prell shampoo!! :)

I have heard that some women use Preparation H to shrink the wrinkles around the eyes!

No! I haven't tried it myself!

JunieRose2005 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L said...

I see while I was absent from blog land you are still posting great stuff! I have alot of reading to catch up on here!
Thanks for the laugh Doug.
~L (formerly from Thats the way my cookie crumbles!)

Renae said...

Oh my!!!! That was just way to funny. I'm sure it must have been gross!!! Good thing you didn't reach for the toothpaste thinking that was something else......
Have an awesome weekend!!!!

Valerie said...

but your teeth now feel cooler and pain-free, right?

Anonymous said...

Doug, my friend, I was about to split a seam when that happened. I was laughing so hard. That had to be the most entertaining conversation I have had in years. To read about it in your post brought it all back too. You tell it almost as well as the first time. Keep up the good posts.
Your friend,
Walley Gator

Rachel said...

You are the first person who I have ever heard of that carried Preparation H in their lunch bag. You are never allowed to talk about what women carry in their purses EVER again!!!

Ewwwwwww!! I would think Preparation H would be hard to get out of your mouth since it's kind of greasy-like. ICK!!!

Very funny though!! Thanks for the laugh!!