While Others Feast on the Pleasures of Life, Why Do I Get the Indigestion?
Taking a break. Be back Monday
As I drove the car into the yard of the body shop the owner of it told me I needed to call home immediately. The phone only rang once before eldest son answered it.
"We've got a little problem with the truck."
"What problem?"
"It's wrecked."
"The parking brake was released, and it rolled into the neighbor's truck."
"What caused the brake to release?"
"The impact."
"What impact?"
"The impact from the car."
"Car, what car?"
"The neighbor's car."
"The neighbor's car?"
"Yeah, little Johnny Deckwalter was playing Indy 500 in the family car and popped it out of gear. It rolled into our truck, and the impact caused the parking brake to release."
"Did anyone get hurt?"
"Yeah, Mom...when the door hit her."
"The door hit her? What door?"
"The truck door."
"How did she get hit by the truck door?"
"When she opened it and tried to jump in and stop the truck from rolling."
"So the door bruised her up some?"
"Well, yeah, but I think most of her injuries happened after the door knocked her to the ground."
"Oh, she hit the ground and that's what caused most of the injuries."
"Not exactly."
"What do you mean not exactly?"
"Probably the injury to her ankle happened after the door hooked her shirt and the truck dragged her as it rolled down the hill."
"Her ankle is injured too?"
"Yeah, but the ambulance man didn't think it was broken."
"What ambulance man?"
"The one that attended to the big gash in mom's head and helped set her arm just before they put the collar around her neck and strapped her onto the board."
"Whaaaaaat?! Does she have any other injuries?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know? Didn't she say?"
"Nope. She's not speaking."
"Why isn't she speaking?"
"She's unconscious."
"Holy Molly! Is there anything else I should know?"
"Not that I can think of, but while you're in Springfield . . . "
"Why would I be going to Springfield?"
"Because that's where the ambulance man said the helicopter was taking mom. The hospital there is better equipped for severe head trauma."
And the indigestion just keeps on coming.